Jersey Tech Support LLC
Home & Business PC Repair for the Westfield N.J. Area
(908) 301-0710
On-Site Home & Business PC Repair
We come to you - or you can bring it to us
Business I.T. support on site
Virus & SpyWare Removal
E-Mail setup & problem solving
Home LapTop & Desktop PC Setup & Repair
- FIOS & Cable Modem Setup
WiFi Problem Resolution
Printer/Scanner Repair

Jersey Tech Support uses Microsoft certified technicians to do your computer repair. Our technicians are trained and certified by Microsoft as experts on Windows, Networks and Applications.
PC Virus & Spy-Ware Removal & Protection
Is your computer acting funny? Have friends reported getting strange emails from you? If you detect or suspect a computer virus on your PC, please contact us immediately.
We remove the infection, but save your valuable data!
E-mail, Internet and AOL Problems
Need to get connected? Can't get your workstation to link to your cable-modem or FIOS connections properly? We can quickly fix most e-mail problems on most messaging systems such as Outlook, Exchange, AOL, etc.
Wireless Network Access
Whether setting up a new wireless router at home or setting your laptop to access Wi-Fi hot spots while you travel, or sharing your network for multiple PCs, we can help you. In addition, we are network security experts so we can keep strangers outside your house out of your wireless connection.
PC Trouble-Shooting and Repair
Is your PC slowing down or freezing? Hardware not working right? Our computer repair techs can fix the problem. We support all modern versions of Windows 10, 8.1, 8.0, 7, and even Windows Vista.
Setup A New Computer System
Just leave it in the box and call us. We will completely setup your new computer, including your printer, scanner, camera, palm pilot etc. We can also train you and/or your company how to use the new equipment.
Data Recovery
You can never be too safe these days. Jersey Tech Support can effectively locate all of your important files and set up and automatic backup system for you.